I had such a lot of fun writing The Queen’s Corgi: On Purpose. Like The Dalai Lama’s Cat series, what I’ve tried to do in the book is to offer wisdom – in this case about how to lead a purposeful life – packaged in an entertaining and heart-filled format. Chapter Three introduces the theme of impulse control, and I’d...
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The Gifts offered by Pets on our Inner Journey
For a long time it has been my conviction that we are by far the greater beneficiaries in the lives we share with our pets. I’d like to offer this brief excerpt, from the very end of my book Buddhism for Pet Lovers, which I hope may explain just how much they can help us – and we them. Gifts and beneficiaries As pet...

Could the concept of ‘resonance’ help explain the power of meditation?
Resonance is a fascinating concept, especially for those who practise meditation–mantra recitation in particular. The term offers a possible explanation for how memory and habit become engrained in nature. It has been shown that actions undertaken in the past become easier and more effective for different living beings to carry out in the future. For example, if rats are taught...

How the world looks, sounds and smells different to our pets
We share the same world as our pets, yet we do not perceive the same reality. Both cats and dogs have only 20 per cent of the cone photo-receptor cells of humans, meaning they can only see the colours blue and yellow. All other colours are shades of grey. Dogs and cats also can’t focus on far distant objects. If...

How we can best help our pet in the seven weeks after death
The weeks leading up to and after the death of a beloved animal companion can be very difficult. In my new book, Buddhism for Pet Lovers, I provide a full account of how we can best help our pet through the most important transition of their life. Here, I’d like to share a passage about how we can best be...

Try this experiment: be mindfully present for your pet
I am happy to share the following excerpt from my new book, Buddhism for Pet Lovers. Sometimes, even the most warm-hearted pet lovers need to be gently reminded that communicating with other sentient beings is a two way street. We may be very good at talking to our pets, but how much do we listen? I hope you find the following...

How our pets have a capacity for spiritual growth
I am pleased to share some of the key themes explored in my book, Buddhism for Pet Lovers. These short excerpts provide a flavour of the book as a whole – I hope you find them helpful! It is my heartfelt wish that this book may be a cause for many people to enjoy deeper and richer relationships with their animal...

Buddhism for Pet Lovers. Read the introduction here!
I am delighted to share the Introduction of my book, Buddhism for Pet Lovers: Supporting Our Closest Companions through Life and Death. This chapter sets the scene for a book that is very close to my heart. In this blog I have also included in a few very personal photos from the family archives – my apologies that the quality of...

Mindfulness as a pathway to live like a millionaire
In the Epilogue of my book, Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate, I reprise a few insights about the benefits of living more mindfully. I hope you find these useful! Epilogue There’s a story I like about a New York merchant banker who goes on vacation to an idyllic seaside village in the Caribbean. After a few days observing life...

Quick Video Update on The Dalai Lama’s Cat Movie!
Hi Blog Readers, I’m just back from a visit to London where I met up with The Dalai Lama’s Cat Movie team. What a great group of people and it’s wonderful how well everyone gets along! I know a lot of you are as excited as I am about the movie, and are keen to know what’s happening with it. ...

Introducing the fresh, new edition of Buddhism for Busy People
Dear Blog Readers, I am thrilled to let you know that Shambhala Publications, the world’s leading publisher of Buddhist books, has decided to bring out a new edition of Buddhism for Busy People. First published in Australia in 2004 and USA in 2008, my very first book about Buddhism has had a momentum beyond anything I ever imagined, continuing to be published around the world not...

What happens to our mind when we go into nature?
For most of us, the opportunity to spend time in the natural world is rare and fleeting. If we are fortunate, we may enjoy regular walks in the park or by the sea. We may get out of town on the occasional weekend. The very lucky get to go on Mindful Safari to Africa! But what if we were to...