If you were in a position of unique privilege, and could access anyone in the world you wanted to, who would you turn to for wisdom when you needed it most of all? You would, of course, be ultra wary of those driven by self-interest, narrow in view, or lacking in insight. You would wish to...
Year: 2017
Does Buddhism require faith?
Do you need to have faith to be a Buddhist? Must you believe in certain things – and if so, what? Faith may seem unnecessary or irrelevant if you are engaged in a practice-based psychology, which is how many of us regard the Tibetan Buddhist path. But in fact you do need faith – or...
What does “know thyself” actually mean?
I’d like to share a chapter from my book Hurry Up and Meditate which explores this intriguing question. I hope you find it useful! Since ancient times, the wisdom of self-knowledge has been held above all other. Some believe that it is the real purpose of our life’s journey. In ancient Greece, when seekers visited the Temple at...
What is a Buddhist? A definition.
Buddhism may be an ancient tradition, but it’s a difficult one to categorise from a Western perspective. Is it a belief based religion? Or a practice-based psychology? Many of the trappings and rituals may make it look similar to some of the more orthodox Christian denominations. But there is no Creator or omnipotent deity in...
A few words on Medicine Buddha
Medicine Buddha is an extraordinary and precious healing meditation practice found in Tibetan Buddhism. The purpose of this blog is simply to share a few resources and links I hope you may find helpful if you are investigating this practice. As with all tantra practices, it is recommended that you receive proper initiations and teachings...
If Buddhists are non-theistic, why do they have deities?
Buddhism is a non-theistic tradition. Whether or not it can be termed a religion is debatable—the etymology of the word ‘religion’ refers to God. Many of us think of Buddhism as a practice-based psychology rather than a belief-based religion. Nevertheless, Buddhism has some of the outward trappings of a religion, such as temples, iconography, prayers...
Why does our time on Mindful Safari touch us so deeply?
For the past few years it has been my very great privilege and joy to lead groups of people on Mindful Safaris to Africa. On these trips we combine daily meditation sessions in nature, along with game viewing. None of us has any idea what will happen from one day to the next, but the...
Is this the Queen’s favourite disguise? A Royal Insider reveals all!
I had such a lot of fun writing The Queen’s Corgi: On Purpose. Like The Dalai Lama’s Cat series, what I’ve tried to do in the book is to offer wisdom – in this case about how to lead a purposeful life – packaged in an entertaining and heart-filled format. Chapter Three introduces the theme...
The Gifts offered by Pets on our Inner Journey
For a long time it has been my conviction that we are by far the greater beneficiaries in the lives we share with our pets. I’d like to offer this brief excerpt, from the very end of my book Buddhism for Pet Lovers, which I hope may explain just how much they can help us – and we them....
Could the concept of ‘resonance’ help explain the power of meditation?
Resonance is a fascinating concept, especially for those who practise meditation–mantra recitation in particular. The term offers a possible explanation for how memory and habit become engrained in nature. It has been shown that actions undertaken in the past become easier and more effective for different living beings to carry out in the future. For...