This is a time of year when stress levels peak. Yes, we have parties, holidays and festivities to look forward to. But there are all those other things we need to get done before year end. Project deadlines, work assignments, and around the home perhaps, all sorts of jobs to complete in readiness for Christmas...
Meditation and being ‘in flow’
I had the very good fortune of hearing Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi deliver a presentation at a Happiness & Its Causes conference on one of the concepts for which he is world-famous: flow. ‘Flow’ is the state of being we all experience – however briefly or infrequently – when we become completely immersed in whatever it is...
Why my book is NOT called ‘Mindfulness is Better than Sex’
Book titles can be challenging for an author. In a noisy world where everyone is competing for people’s attention, how do you distill the essence of a 300 page book into a title and strapline of just a few words? And do so in a way that makes a reader want to pick the book...
Create more space in your life without changing what you do
One of the most stress-inducing ideas, when we’re crazy busy, is the one that we just don’t have time to relax. We’d love to push back for a while. In fact, we’re desperate for it. But we put the idea out of our mind because we’ve still got a pile of work to get through,...