INTRODUCTION I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour. Henry David Thoreau Yes, it’s a deliberately provocative title. After all, being in a hurry is the opposite of meditating, isn’t it? If we have a lot going on in our lives,...
When did you last see yourself? A Buddhist question which takes us to unexpected places.
There’s a question Buddhist teachers like to ask, to tease their students towards a particular insight: when did you last see yourself? “A short while ago,” some of us reflexively reply. “I was washing my hands and I looked up and saw myself in the mirror.” “What you saw then was a reflection of your...
The Santa Clause-like “me”
I am pleased to offer the following excerpt from my book ‘Enlightenment to Go: Shantideva and the Power of Compassion to Transform your Life’. As a young child I remember the great excitement I felt about Santa Claus. Every year, as Christmas approached, his name would be invoked as a way of making me...