I had the very good fortune of hearing Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi deliver a presentation at a Happiness & Its Causes conference on one of the concepts for which he is world-famous: flow. ‘Flow’ is the state of being we all experience – however briefly or infrequently – when we become completely immersed in whatever it is that we are doing. By...
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Why my book is NOT called ‘Mindfulness is Better than Sex’
Book titles can be challenging for an author. In a noisy world where everyone is competing for people’s attention, how do you distill the essence of a 300 page book into a title and strapline of just a few words? And do so in a way that makes a reader want to pick the book up or click for more?...

Create more space in your life without changing what you do
One of the most stress-inducing ideas, when we’re crazy busy, is the one that we just don’t have time to relax. We’d love to push back for a while. In fact, we’re desperate for it. But we put the idea out of our mind because we’ve still got a pile of work to get through, and there just isn’t any...

Recommended Reading for Mindful Safari
Mindful Safari is all about being here and now, among some of the most extraordinary vistas in Africa. And spending time with iconic wildlife in their own habitat. Even though the emphasis of these special visits is non-conceptual – that is, simply being present – in recent years a number of excellent books have been published offering a conceptual understanding about...

Photos from Mindful Safari Victoria Falls 2018
Dear Readers, We’re just back from our most recent Mindful Safari season, and I wanted to share some hot-off-the-press photos from our fantastic time at Victoria Falls. We made so many wonderful memories during our time there, it’s hard to know where to begin! Perhaps with the way we started each day – a guided meditation. It’s very easy to...

What are mantras, and how do they work? A Tibetan Buddhist view.
Among the most widespread images of Tibetan Buddhism are those showing multi-coloured prayer flags catching the wind, or Tibetans whirling prayer wheels, or monks chanting in temples. Mantras are the focus of these and other activities in our practice. But what is a mantra, exactly? And why the emphasis on repeating mantras? Like most other subjects in Tibetan Buddhism, these...

The Fascinating Science behind Mindful Safari
When we set out on our first Mindful Safari it was with a sense of curiosity: what would a week of twice daily meditation sessions, combined with twice daily game drives, feel like? What changes might we sense by the end of it? Since then, the experience of dozens in the ever-extending Mindful Safari family has been that our time...

Are Short Stories Making a Come Back? Tell Me What You Think?
I have always loved short stories. As a teenager I remember devouring the work of Somerset Maugham, who was considered a master of the genre. I enjoyed the way that you were instantly immersed in a particular story or world. How the dynamics moved forward with a particular intensity. And how the best of the stories delivered a satisfying, unexpected...

The Easy Way to Meditate – Through Nature
One of the most predictable outcomes of any meditation program is that several months afterwards, most people who attended will not be meditating. This may seem a bleak assessment. And although it’s based on personal experience, it is by no means my experience alone. According to Joshua Smythe, a biobehavioral scientist at Pennsylvania State University, only 30 percent of people...

The Astral Travelers Handbook & Other Tales – read the Dalai Lama’s Cat foreword here!
Could there be a greater honour than having the Dalai Lama’s Cat herself contribute the Foreword to my book, The Astral Traveler’s Handbook & Other Tales? If there is, dear reader, I have yet to be told about it. Below, fresh from the Himalayas, the musings of the world’s most realised feline, His Holiness’s Cat! FOREWORD BY THE DALAI...

The Big Reveal – Drum Roll! – Cover of The Astral Traveler’s Handbook!
My heartfelt thanks to every single one of you who voted on the range of book covers I shared in my blog about six weeks ago. And also thanks to each one of you who provided feedback, analysis and suggestions. It was all way beyond anything I had expected! That blog was the most commented on of any blog I’ve...

The enduring fascination with Lobsang Rampa
Back in 2016 I wrote a blog about T. Lobsang Rampa, author of books like The Third Eye and You Forever, that were very popular in the 1960s and 70s. The main point I tried to make in my blog (link below) was that a surprising number of Western students aged 55 plus, attribute their initial interest in Tibetan Buddhism to...