I wrote the first draft of this blog eight years ago. Since then, rather than becoming less, it has become even more relevant. There is something quite depressing about watching small children tossing aside a half-opened Christmas present in the hope of finding a more instantly gratifying one in the pile beneath it. Or observing...
Category: Cultivating wellbeing
What can we learn from near death experiences?
Near death experiences, or NDEs, have always been with us, but in the past 30 years as resuscitation techniques have become much more effective – especially after heart attacks – reports of NDEs have become more widespread. The sheer volume of cases has given rise to significant research by eminent medical specialists and researchers such...
The 12 psychological benefits of meditation
In my blog about some of the main physical benefits of meditation, I made the point that categorising benefits as ‘physical’ or ‘psychological’ is somewhat artificial. Reducing high blood pressure through meditation may seem a measurable and physiological benefit, but it only happens because of the psychological change that precedes it. Every change in mental...
What are the main physical benefits of meditation?
If meditation was available in capsule form, it would be the biggest selling drug on the planet. As the powerful effects of meditation have been validated by all manner of research teams and institutions, a gathering chorus of scientists are voicing this same theme. Describing the main, physical benefits of meditation in a short blog...
Happiness vs pleasure: what’s the difference?
Given that the wish to be happy is universal, you’d think that happiness would be a core subject at school, and that we’d all be pretty expert on happiness and its causes. But the truth is, most people are somewhat hazy about it. The title of a recent book by Daniel Gilbert, Prof of Psychology...
Eight ways that mind training is like body training
As a regular gym goer, as well as long-term meditator, I am often struck by the similarities between mind training and physical training. The same rules that apply to an exercise regime – be that the gym, yoga, bike riding or running – also generally apply to meditation and mindfulness. Here are a few of...
Take the six week meditation challenge!
One of biggest challenges faced by newcomers to meditation is getting into the habit of meditating. We may start with the best intentions. After going to a meditation seminar, reading a book, or listening to an inspiring speaker we may decide: this is it! I’m convinced by the many benefits. I want to make meditation...
Get your free David Michie guided meditations here!
One of the biggest challenges faced by people wanting to meditate is a very simple one: where do I start? When during my busy day should I do it? How can I make the time? And now that I’m sitting in a quiet room, what meditation practice should I use? My book, Why Mindfulness is...
Why I began to meditate – and how I discovered it was working
Why would a busy PR person working in central London decide that meditating is a good idea? And how might he discover that it was having beneficial effects? In this three minute video I reveal all! ************ I hope you found this useful! Here’s a few things you can do: Sign up for my...
What Pussy Riot can teach us about compassion
One of my favourite words in Buddhism is ‘realisation.’ It’s used a fair bit – ‘May you have many realisations’ – but it was a few years before I discovered what it meant. My teacher explained, with his usual elegant practicality, that a realisation is ‘when your understanding of a subject deepens to the...